Hot Budget Downloads

Hot Budget Version 3.0.8 | Expires January 1, 2026

sha1 Hash: e070cf47278a467c27cd6dea9d71ab768f695f72

sha256 Hash: c810514f5b8433d846793c5bb80187d5f17e1ef13d12d8110ff1bcf5af51f1d1

sha512 Hash: bec029f807894a8ac653ea7b3b77905c03249564f877bb85850ae39404e9c6998ff4f98022b94468d02b83d9dcec01fb84885a06a3bf16a932d0adc7b0b4aab6

Hot Budget Version 3.0.7 | Expires January 1, 2026

sha1 Hash: 5e3173b30986542a71a1c4624ebb8a0c6af44fc1

sha256 Hash: 656de1443b1497888b53e05a979c680b29651f81bc90e5c3b4a81b2fcf6efc4e

sha512 Hash: 2aecfce7de620e55cbd397de8688458e1e139989d2ff1847d1d6b749703c0e985e15094a75475bd14e6bd021ec5f7cdb47b54100d606d1dddd87e149e9bc9028

Hot Budget Version 3.0.6 | Expires January 1, 2025

sha1 Hash: 04b8e661aecb26cc951d013039b9ca4b064d22c1

sha256 Hash: 25304aa6294c4abed20326704b9b3f76600296e7044b9eca29b07925175e2de4

sha512 Hash: cc3a4c7d59067cbd28f8e69cf7f4e736a5f2424d97ee0c0fb9db86d0f5e5b0ac48aa424b8fbf80e4150d10cd2fec627ead1a2b09faad9d8669a599c256c62f6d

For Questions Email:

Compatibility Recommendations

Based on Excel version

    • Excel for Mac 2011 14.7.7: Optional for macOS Mojave or earlier
    • Excel for Mac 16.55: Recommended with macOS Catalina or later
    • Excel for Mac 16.60: Recommended with macOS Catalina or later as and alternative to 16.55
    • Excel for Mac 16.69: Testing is ongoing. No known issues.
    • Excel for Mac 16.75: Testing is ongoing. No known issues.
    • Excel for Mac 16.77: Testing is ongoing. No known issues.

Based on macOS version

    • macOS High Sierra: Excel for macOS 2011 14.7.7 or Excel 16.54 recommended
    • macOS Mojave: Excel for macOS 2011 14.7.7 or Excel for macOS 16.54 recommended)
    • macOS Catalina: Excel for Mac 16.55 recommended. Excel for Mac 16.77 In Testing, no known issues.
    • macOS Big Sur: Excel for Mac 16.55 recommended. Excel for Mac 16.77 In Testing, no known issues.
    • macOS Monterey: Excel for Mac 16.55 recommended. Excel for Mac 16.77 In Testing, no known issues.
    • macOS Ventura : Excel for Mac 16.55 recommended. Excel for Mac 16.77 In Testing, no known issues.
    • macOS Sonoma : Excel for Mac 16.55 recommended. Excel for Mac 16.77 In Testing, no known issues.

M1, M2 and M3 Chipset Guidance

  • Recommendation: Computers with M1, M2 or M3 chipsets should turn on the Rosetta Setting. A Visual Guide can be found viaInstagram. E-mail support for additional information.

Hot Budget Version 2.6.5 | Expires January 1, 2026

sha1 Hash : 5e3173b30986542a71a1c4624ebb8a0c6af44fc1

sha256 Hash: 656de1443b1497888b53e05a979c680b29651f81bc90e5c3b4a81b2fcf6efc4e

sha512 Hash: 2aecfce7de620e55cbd397de8688458e1e139989d2ff1847d1d6b749703c0e985e15094a75475bd14e6bd021ec5f7cdb47b54100d606d1dddd87e149e9bc9028

Hot Budget Version 2.6.4 | Expires January 1, 2025

sha1 Hash : 87cc2c2988128d5d9b1e18f8c6ab7f9a813ad25f

sha256 Hash: 2885cf5af9e859e38ff35964a49860c2723112051727edf41a9a0bfa501b3ed5

sha512 Hash: 727e3b8350edc1b7db166563f25ce31f83ac6c5c66a72e94912ea3d995d83977a3fe8c8c61d89d185e0acbbee6ebc5c045c5bb37e03ca82c0b81a9d0b18900b8

For Questions Email:

Compatibility Recommendations

Based on Excel version

    • Excel for Mac 16.55: Recommended with macOS Catalina or later
    • Excel for Mac 16.60: Recommended with macOS Catalina or later as and alternative to 16.55
    • Excel for Mac 2011 14.7.7: Recommended for macOS Mojave or earlier

Based on macOS version

  • macOS High Sierra: Excel for macOS 2011 14.7.7 or Excel 16.54 recommended
  • macOS Mojave: Excel for macOS 2011 14.7.7 or Excel for macOS 16.54 recommended)
  • macOS Catalina: Excel for Mac 16.55 recommended
  • macOS Big Sur: Excel for Mac 16.55 recommended
  • macOS Monterey 12.0-12.3:  Excel for Mac 16.55 recommended
  • macOS Monterey 12.3.1+:  Error may occur on some Macs when outputting a pdf.  Hot Budget Version 3 is required for best compatibility.
  • macOS Ventura :  Testing is ongoing. Hot Budget Version 3 is required for best compatibility. Excel for macOS 16.55 recommended

Microsoft Excel for Mac Downloads

Excel for Mac, Version 16.60

Excel 16.60 is being considered as a newer recommended version of Excel for Mac.  If you are experiencing issues with excel 16.55 then excel 16.60 is recommended.

SHA1 Hash: ecabd8dbfe66f4f82e4913b9efe123ac00441ff2

SHA256 Hash: ec8880e3d666952280b540857fff131bafc50ddc834ab024e118ffce68f27d7e

Excel for Mac, Version 16.55

SHA1 Hash: 18007db8035e7ce841b474bce946d8c48623cf9e

SHA256 Hash: 5a07d7ed0f2eae45d4d4a5aa60f23ce9d30db1720d5c437cb21f32aa4731dea6

Excel for Mac, Version 16.54

If you are using macOS Mojave, Excel 16.54 is the latest compatible version of Excel for Mac.

SHA1 Hash: 3de47fdc547c271ee2a388cb04a474067ca40647

SHA256 Hash: E09FE9F49A36B37AF3745673A385BE4DE9AE8EC774965FD1753F8479A775FC54

Excel for Mac 2011, Version 14.7.7

We have confirmed that Excel 14.7.7 functions as expected when installed on macOS Mojave (10.14), High Sierra, and Sierra. Excel 2011 is no longer supported my Microsoft but it is still available for purchase from third parties. Hot Bricks is not affiliated with the purchasing source provided here. Please report any issues to

SHA1 Hash : 04eaca30ca7fbe77405ee7c906a7b359cef2b5ce

SHA256 Hash: cf0b27b82f3bca8b447d756d8c921049a18a671878f32c73bd21a5fb3a080983

Microsoft Excel for Windows

Windows 10, Excel 2013, Version 15.0.5075.1001 32-bit

The above software is recommended for use with Hot Budget on Windows operating systems. Not all Hot Budget features are available in Windows. Remember to update your Windows Defender definitions.

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